Are Liquid Web and Nexcess are best Cloud-based hosting for Bloggers ?

What is Liquid Web?

Liquid Web is a privately held managed web hosting company that was founded by Jim Geiger in 1997. They own three data centers located in Lansing, Michigan.

Liquid Web is an industry leader in applications hosting, fully Managed Cloud & Web Hosting and cloud services known for its high-performance services and exceptional customer support.

Liquid Web is an expert in managed servers and high-performance servers. These come with multiple features, such as free migrations, automatically-made plugin updates, free SSL certificates, unlimited pages, or site management tools. Also, they run for 64-bit operating systems, including CentOS 6 and 7 or Fedora 24 Server.

Their plans function on a high-performance level and according to what they claim, they have customers from over 130 countries and over 500 hosting experts ready to help them.

With over 1 million sites under management, they have the scale in support, leadership, and financial backing to deliver the best customer experience in the hosting industry.

Liquid Web Provide High-performance traditional, cloud, and hybrid hosting environments. Fast, reliable, highly secure and hassle-free hosting.

Liquid Web Stats


  • Help Picking the Perfect Hosting Plan
  • Help Migrating Your Site, Store, or Application
  • Proactive Management of Your Hosting (Network, Security, Availability)
  • Keeping Your Server & OS Updated to Ensure it’s Secure
  • Full Management of Complex Hosting Environments
  • Helpful Humans Whenever You Need Us


  • Dedicated Servers
  • VPS
  • VMware Private Cloud
  • Multi-Server Solutions

Liquid Web Managed Hosting


Based on 476 Reviews

Source: TrustPilot


Liquid Web is a provider of advanced All high-quality plan hosting, so the company is Provide a wide range of managed hosting options.

Liquid Web specializes in premium hosting and does not offer any shared plans.

VPS Web Hosting

VPS plans are very almost like shared plans. there’s a physical server that hosts multiple websites. the most important difference, however, is the increased performance offered by a VPS plan.

Web hosts maintain strict delineation between the sites hosting on a VPS server — whereas a shared plan offers a pool of resources from which any site on that server can draw, the resources allocated to you on a VPS server are often used by your site only.

Dedicated Servers

Dedicated servers are those where all of a server is used to serve your site and your site only.

You have full control over the configuration and start of the server — whereas more limited plans place restrictions on what software you can use and the like, dedicated servers allow you to pick and choose the choices that best meet the requirements of your website.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting basically means your site is hosted on a distributed network of servers.

The particular distribution varies, but with cloud hosting, you get the perks of a distributed network: reliability due to redundancy and failover, so your site continues to be accessible in case any single (or even multiple) parts of the network fails.

Liquid Web Dedicated Hosting Pricing


  • Storage & Backups
  • Security & Compliance Add-Ons
  • Performance Add-ons
  • Software Add-Ons
  • Email Hosting

LW vs NX Explained

What is Nexcess?

Nexcess is a reputable web hosting provider that’s been around since 1997. the company serves over 1.5 million websites with 15 data centers around the world.

After partnering with Liquid Web, a hosting provider that focuses on eCommerce and CMS, Nexcess now provides super-charged managed hosting plans specially dedicated to WordPress software.

Nexcess managed cloud services and software means that they have a product for your project and the expertise to determine your best solution.

Nexcess Stats

Nexcess provides highly trained experts to deliver security, speed, and reliability.

In Nexcess nearly 600 employees provide the high-touch, human support you can count on that they are committed to evolving their service offerings to meet your ever-changing needs.
They work to earn your trust and loyalty 24/7/365.

Nexcess a Digital Commerce Cloud solution built to optimize Magento, WooCommerce and WordPress sites, stores and applications.


  • Auto-Scaling for Traffic Surges
  • Cloud Accelerator for to Drive Performance
  • Customizable Technology Stack
  • PCI-Compliant Infrastructure for Secure Processing
  • Dev Site Staging to Safely Test Updates
  • LAMP – Open Source Foundation for Innovation & Growth


  • Nexcess Managed WordPress Hosting
  • Managed WooCommerce Hosting
  • Managed Magento Hosting

Nexcess Features

Nexcess Managed WordPress Hosting​


Based on 153 Reviews

Source: TrustPilot

Nexcess has managed to create innovations that have changed the face of web hosting support and management forever.

Nexcess is a fully managed WordPress hosting platform that offers high-quality web hosting.

Better Performance: Nexcess Managed WordPress servers are specially optimized for WordPress software using the newest PHP, Nginx, and compression technologies to make sure best performance for the CMS.

Easy Management: Nexcess Provide automated WordPress and plugin updates, you don’t have to worry about the health and security of your website.

Responsive Support: Nexcess Managed hosting providers also offer faster and more responsive customer support services.

Improved Security: Your website will be protected against malware and DDoS attacks when using managed hosting. Also as keep your website backed up daily for extra protection.

Nexcess Pricing

How is it different from other hosting providers?

Automatically Test Plugins Before Updates: One of the most unique features of Nexcess managed WordPress hosting is its automatic plugin updates system. This system automatically checks for updates for plugins installed on your website.

59-Second Customer Support Response: The fast customer support services offered by industry experts are one of the key selling points of Nexcess. The company claims to reply to both phones and live chat customer support inquiries within 60 seconds. And boasts a response time of under one hour for help desk support tickets

Gives You Full Server Access: Nexcess is developer-friendly. You’ll have full access to your hosting account with SSH, Git, and WP-CLI. As well as tools for staging WordPress websites.

Fully-Optimized Servers: Nexcess managed WordPress hosting servers are equipped with the latest PHP and Nginx software. On top of that, the platform also provides compression systems to make your websites load faster and perform better.

No Page View Limitations: Most hosting providers have monthly page view limitations and charge overage fees once you go over that limit. The Nexcess Hosting doesn’t have such page view counts, traffic limitations, or overage fees.

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